Ch 12 Integrating Technology into Your Teaching

  1. Growing up in a technological society, it is really cool and scary to see all the new technology that has come up in the past couple of years. From new televisions, multiple versions of phones, being able to update social media almost anywhere, to being able to retrieve information at the blink of an eye. All these technologies have made life a lot simpler when it comes to getting information. For the older generations, they may disagree but for those of us know how to use the technology and use it for every day life, we thoroughly enjoy all that it has to offer.
  2. Personally I can’t identity any patterns that I have adopted since getting heavily involved with technology but I’m sure my mom could point out all the ways or things that I do differently now that technology is a very important part in my life.
  3. I feel like a lot of technology now-a-days could be considered a mind tool because they help further your education in so many ways. Research has been made a lot faster and simpler because of smart phones and computers. Televisions allow people to see breaking news as it happens and etc. Now teachers can go to a website that allows students to practice what is being taught in class to help them master that subject. Technology has just transformed our world in so many ways.




chapter 11: Assessments of New Teachers


  1. I do agree that all teachers should have to pass an exam before they are allowed to get their license and teach inside a classroom but I do not think that should be the only component when it comes to getting the license. Many people struggle when it comes to test and test taking so there should be more that comes into play when deciding if a teacher is capable or not. There are also many people who can ace tests but when it comes to teaching and children they just don’t make the cut so a test alone should not determine whether or not someone should be certified.
  2. I think a test documents the ability to comprehend material that is written on paper and it allows people to use what they have learned to solve a problem or whatever is being asked on the test. Other than that I really don’t see any good that comes from tests. They also let people know strengths and weakness in certain areas.
  3. Classroom based assessments allows you to see where you need to improve as a teacher and it shows strengths and weakness. You are actually showing what you know by the way you teach rather than trying to throw it all on paper for a test.

Chapter 10 reflection

Organizing Classes for Differentiated Learning

Chapter 10

  1. To make a class less reliable on lectures and traditional views of the classroom, a teacher can plan a lesson based on how each of their students learn by putting them in groups based on the way they learn. They can make varied activities and make a lot of the more boring lessons more interesting. Some lessons are really boring but find ways to make it more interesting to the students. Planning is just a major key when it comes making class lessons more interesting.
  2. Honestly any teaching method that isn’t the traditional way of teaching could spark an interest within a child. When children get older, it is a lot harder to keep their interest in certain subjects so various techniques used in the classroom should get the job done. Assistive technologies that could be used could be a microphone/ear piece for student that are hard of hearing, for ADD/ADHD children you could find toys that don’t distract others or make noise to keep their body moving while you teach.
  3. Computers make it harder to have social skills and fact to face interactions. Although convenient for many reasons, a lot of social aspects of the classroom are taken away.


Chapter 9: Teaching Media-Immersed Students

Chapter 9: Teaching Media-Immersed Students

To make sure that the attention of my students is maintained, I must keep the topic intriguing and make them want to learn. To be good teacher you must be organized and constantly fight for the attention of your students due to the constant distractions that flow in and out the classroom. Instructional strategies are very important when trying to keep the attention of your students so you must use multiple tactics to keep it. There are many ways to teach and as a teacher you must find out how each individual student learns whether it be through visual displays, auditory or hands on activities.

I think when I teach I will try to use media technologies on a weekly basis if not every day. Students need to be taken away from the traditional style of learning every once in a while because using media, in my opinions allows the student to go beyond a text book for information and to learn in different styles. Factors that will help me make that decision will mainly be the lesson that is being taught. If something that is in the curriculum is really boring, as a teacher you will need to make it your own to try to make it something that the students want to learn.

The selection of technology is very important as well because you do not want the technology being used in the classroom to be a distraction. Make sure that the technology correlates with the lesson and make sure it isn’t too complicated for the students to grasp.

Chapter 8 reflection: Analyzing Text Messaging and Microblogging

Chapter 8 reflection: Analyzing Text Messaging and Microblogging

I do feel like text messaging and microblogging can be used for educational purposes but it would definitely be a struggle. I know for me, being a college student my phone is a constant distraction as it was in high school but self discipline plays a major role. In a high school setting, students would have to be monitored to make sure that they are on task which that can be a struggle for teachers to constantly have to supervise their students. But on the bright side, students are able retrieve information at the touch of a button and it allows them to research on devices that they are used to and comfortable with using.

Microblogging and texting allows for instance communication. The television gives information to people but has no way to communicate back and forth as you would be able to with texting. A telephone is very helpful with two-way communication but a lot of times it is easier to text rather than talk on the phone for hours at a time to get certain information. The printing press just allows for words to be written down to send as a letter so that would take a long time if no other communication tools were available.

I feel like in the future they will be used a lot more than they are now. In high school, phones were not allowed during class unless specifically instructed to use by the teacher. But now with all the different types of smart phones, these can be used as communication for other students, research and any other ways the teacher finds it necessary to use within the classroom.


Chapter 7


  1. What educational programs and learning games are new to you? Growing up, we used MathIsFun and FunBrain a lot during computer lab and our teacher would let us get on the computer if we finished our work early. These games helped us with math, reading, and a lot of things that were being taught in school. When we thought that we were just playing games, we were actually learning and so that is pretty cool. Now-a-days kids kinda have the exact same things as I did when growing up, they are just called different things. I have never played MathBlaster or RaftRace Challenge but they all seem pretty cool and just like FunBrain and MathIsFun with just different names trying to reach the same objective.
  2. After trying two or three programs or games, how do you rate their effectiveness as learning activities? After playing these games it really brought me back to my childhood when I was in middle and elementary school. I do feel like these games sites are effective. As the students play games, they are using all the skills and concepts that they learned in class in these games.
  3. What programs would you recommend adding to a school’s network? I would recommend adding both FunBrain and MathIsFun along with all the other ones that the book mentions such as RaftRace Challenge and Math Blasters.





Concept Maps


This is my concept map and basically it is just a family tree. I used a lot of pictures from my phone and facebook and then just added them into their correct places. It wasn’t very difficult to use but just finding space was a little difficult because I didn’t want it to seem over crowded. This cite allows you to upload your own photos of family members of chose from the select pictures that they have provided. Then you can add messages to describe the people in your map and add lines to add more people such as brothers/sisters, cousins, aunts/uncles, ect.

Chapter 5 “Top Source of Information”

Top Sources of Information

  1. I’m pretty sure that my top sources of information are very similar to those of adults. I might use a little bit more social media and might be able to navigate through technology a little better but for the most part, the radio, television, and internet are used by a lot of people that I know. A lot of older people use the newspaper which I don’t but then again, a lot of people like my grandparents grew up only having the newspaper as their information source. I use the internet a lot for school and just too further my knowledge in a lot of areas. I use it to shop, look for ideas, new information and pretty much anything you can think of.
  2. A lot of students use the internet so again; it is not that much different than what I use. But as I get older, I’m pretty sure new technologies will come about that they know more about than I do so its all just a matter about new technology and the time.
  3. For instruction and curriculum uses, a lot of college professors use online books for their class and online websites for assignments. You can use Prezi on the internet for presentation when the teacher is out sick or wants students to know extra information. There is really just a ton of options to chose from especially growing up in a technological era.



Word Cloud

Word Cloud for Tech


This lesson was really cool because I have always seen these but I had never done one for myself. In sociology, my 11th grade year, my teacher used a word cloud and we had to describe ourselves with five words and the most common words showed up the largest whereas the smaller words were just random fact about ourselves. It was also cool to be able to chose the shape that we wanted to use to display the words and chose the color scheme. To use this specific activity within the classroom I could do what my sociology teacher did and find see what common characters my students share or what they think is important.

QR Codes

Twitter Handle                                                  Instagram                                            Maps


Phone Number                                 email address


Doing this small assignment was really cool because I had always seen QR Codes and people using their phones to go to a website or whatever but I never knew how to create them are used one before. Each of these QR Codes lead to different things of mine including my Instagram, twitter, the location of my house in Sumter, my telephone number and my Anderson Email Address. It was really cool to see all the things you could use to make into a QR code and I always thought making one of these would be really complicated but it was so simple. To use this in the classroom, you could make a scavenger hunt for your students. Of course you would have to modify it depending on the age and level of your students but that would be really good use for these. You could always use them as an All About Me assignment and make each student make 5 or so QR codes and have each code represent something important to them and their family then share with the class.